Sleep Training Methods​
(4 months - 3 years)
Unique approaches for unique families
There is no “one size fits all” approach to sleep training and I have never written two identical sleep plans! These are some of the factors I consider when deciding how to build your sleep training plan:
What is the personality of your baby/child?
What is your parenting style/parenting philosophy?
How old is your baby?
What is your baby’s current eating and sleeping routine?
What are your baby’s current sleep associations and how deeply ingrained are they?
What are your goals regarding your baby/child’s sleep?
The answers to these questions will guide me in creating a sleep training plan that is aligned with your family and will set you up for success.
However, before we begin any sleep training plan it is important we set the stage for sleep by ensuring four key pieces are in place: the four Sleep Essentials. We must address the Sleep Essentials to optimize our sleep training efforts and avoid unnecessary tears. In fact, a lot of families who have said they’ve tried sleep training but it didn’t work for them had just missed one or more of the Sleep Essentials. They are:
Proper sleep environment
Nutrition and feeding
Age-appropriate routines
I assess each of these Sleep Essentials and include them in your child’s sleep plan to make sure we have set the stage for sleep and therefore set the stage for your baby to successfully learn the skill of independent sleep!
I am experienced in Gentle sleep training, Spaced-Soothing, Tracey Hogg's Pick up-Put Down method and often blend methods together to create the best sleep training plan for your child.